Tag Archives: life

MIA Project

MONDAY, JUNE 02 2014

Whew…School has ended and I’ve recuperated by taking a week in which I cleaned EVERYTHING…from room to car to studio to everything. It was definitely something needed, a clean slate of mind if you will. Within this course I’ve taken a break from doing my daily habit of drawing which is terrible on my part but I’m officially restarting it.

In this period of absence however I havent been MIA from actually doing some sort of project. Recently I was put on board on a project set up by a Columbus based group named ALTernative in which we would continue on a mural on Summit and Hudson. To brighten up and all around make the surrounding area look better for the people that lives in the neighborhood, the mural was a multitude of differing colored trees and silhouettes of animals in which sponsers have donated for. Taking roughly about a week and a half, I’m still going back and doing finishing touches.

With this mural, we had done the projector method to get the trees and silhouettes in so we had to work on it primarily at night-Right after working at my day job I just hopped on over to the mural site and destressed by playing with paint C:-from 9PM to 1AM including clean up. It was a fun project to work on especially since the other artists who were helping out were easy going and just all around amazing people. We also had community days where people in the neighborhood could paint as well and everyone that came were also great people to work with. Granted there were a few mishaps-one of the laptops that we were using were stolen right from underneath our noses :c-but we pushed through and completed the project.

Including this mural, I’ve worked on a total of three. I dont think this will be my final one anytime soon. 😀

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Doodle #__Final Day

Its the end of the semester and with it, Design for Media class. I’m definitely going to be missing this class and quite honestly it was perhaps the most beneficial to me-not that my animation classes werent <_<;) as it definitely kicked my butt-well it was perhaps the hardest kick anyhow-into gear. In a good way of course. I’ve been actually ‘finishing’ things due to it.

Anyhow, for the final day I’ll be posting up perhaps my top(?) three pieces from the most recent project of having a creative habit.


(Im not going to lie,  I specifically wanted a piece from each ‘category’ so Feet, Hands, Face. Body was tempting but the faces were fun to do in terms of messing with distance)

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Doodle #___

Currently slung over a computer monitor. Comments To come~

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Doodle #13


On friday, there was a sketchlab at the Columbus Zoo…….

Unfortunately. I was unable to attend due to work. I tried to see if there was anyone I could switch shifts with but everyone had their own devices to do either with their own finals or going out of town. More than likely I’ll probably invest in a membership to the zoo so I can go whenever I want. This is a great idea. Anyhow, since I was unable to go I went about doing my usual hands and feet studies. I did a little twist this time however with my sketch pages. I must say I quite enjoy the look of them. I’ll more than likely be doing more of these for my studies regardless that it takes a little more time.

There are a few more images. They will be added later after color correction.

I FOUND A SCANNER IN MY HOUSE. So scanned images away!

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Filed under Blog, Creative Habit, Design for Media, Sketches

Movie Posters

So for the past few weeks I’ve been working on a few video projects and ended up making a poster of sorts for one individual project and then a poster with a collection of stills I had shot.

I’m a Sci-Fi master (not exactly but its awesome). I decided to make a poster on a music video/sound experiment that I shot to the song “Distortion” which was a remix to Deus Ex Human Revolution. Distortion~~

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Doodle #7

APRIL 16TH, 2014 WEDNESDAY; Doodles and Week Sumary

So I’ve looped back into expressions but this time I decided to take a different approach. I was given the advice to focus on shapes as well so I didnt actually focus alot of attention into the expression itself. I focused moreso on the facial structure and how I could apply a shape to it to help make things easier for me. At first things were a bit rough and when I would take the occasional break it was a bit rough jumping back into making the face and whatnot. However the longer I went in doodling faces it got simpler and easier for me to rough in the features once I got the general face shapes into the actual face. It was an interesting experience. Granted some shapes are more exaggerated than others.

After a few pages I decided to mess with scale as well and I have learned one thing. It is difficult for me to focus on Reference, Feature, Shape, and Scale ALL AT ONCE. Trying to look at whats shown to me while trying to draw it WHILE keeping it small was a really hard task for me (especially since I was limiting myself to only be a minute gesture). And So I simplified it to just scaling and face shape. I then had a easier time but I still fell into attempting to get everything down in a limited time but forgetting scale along the way.

In general, drawing small has been hard for me. I think it really hit me hard after doing a wall mural when it was REALLY hard for me to do anything on a small scale.

At some point I got tired and went to take a break on my pile of blankets…I’m not going to lie, I didnt want to get back up and stare at the computer again so I doodled a bit without anything to see what I could come up with. Compared to some of my older works, I’m getting just a little bit more in variation.


I must say, after this past week I definitely like this way of drawing the faces and whatnot better than before. Granted I was only doing expressions and differing parts but I feel I’m getting a bit better with figuring out how to construct the body. Definitely feel better and more confident with that aspect. This day has to be my favorite of doodles so far. Sketchiness makes me happy.

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Filed under Blog, Brainstorm, Creative Habit, Design for Media, Sketches

Doodle #5


1 minute gestures; figure

Doodles! However not as much as previous days unfortunately as today is the day that I have to work a 10 hour shift at work and cater to the wonderful people that are my customers-OH JOY!-but I have to get some food money somehow right? Before going to work I doodled a little bit, far lesser than before but I managed to get something. Bodies, bodies everywhere! I definitely would have rather done this than go to work-as I had a feeling it would be a slow day (it wasnt. But it was slow in the morning).


Oh and Fun Fact; When I’m at work, I like to vandalize this pole that stands in the way of everything. This is how I gain my vengeance against this horrible horrible pole.


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Doodle #3


1 Minute Gestures; Expressions

Another round of Expressions, I’ll be working on the human in general and working on bits and pieces of them as the days go on by. I’ll loop the differing parts each day so that I dont get too burned out on one specific place. For example, Expressions today, Hands and Feet tomorrow, figure the next, round back to expressions. This way it’ll keep me on my toes and make it not feel like an annoyance or boring to me.

I realized that near the last page that I have a hard time finding references for crying. And I mean CRYING. So I had to suffice with babies crying for most of the gestures. Its actually quite hilarious looking for crying stock images and all I find are ‘sensual-but-Im-tearing-and-crying-oh-my’ images. Its a blast I tell ya.

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Filed under Blog, Brainstorm, Creative Habit, Design for Media, Sketches

3D Anim; Room Update

Recently I’ve been trying to work on a room in Maya. I’ve gone through some ups and downs but I managed to get some progress in it. I was originally going to do a dream room but it ended up somehow morphing into a childrens room. I’m wanting to change the textures and whatnot along the walls.

We also did a quick critique so there is a page of notes on what I can and more than likely will be changing, like the design of the bed and the type of table as well as adding railings-because children are accident prone-to the lengths of the loft space.

I reaaalllyyy want this place though. So I’ll have to settle for modeling the places in the meantime.

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Filed under 3D Animation, Animation, Blog, Brainstorm, Digital, Sketches

3D WIP Room Progress

For the past few weeks I’ve been working on making a 3D loft-like room. In general I havent been able to put in as much work as I wanted to in terms of I wanted to be at a certain point at a certain time earlier. But thats okay. I’m going to try and make up for myself along the course of Spring Break.

Here I’m trying to see what exactly light angle I want to portray in the scene. When I made the skylight however, I forgot to think about the exact placement of the skylight so some angles were really…awkward.

But I did manage to find a few that really worked out. Especially with the light bouncing up onto the objects.

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