Category Archives: Collaboration

Pipeline, Update!

We gathered together the night before the big day to construct the arch-as the weather yesterday made us really scared if our arch would survive due to the high winds-so we decided to construct it before the day we present. Not everyone could attend the meeting as they were either working or in class. However we had enough people to construct the arch!

The security officer was there with us the whole time watching us. So we made him take a picture.  Thankfully it didnt heavily rain on us while constructing-though it was definitely still a bit nippy outside!-so I ended up shielding akanes camera after the arch was constructed to keep her camera safe. Thus my cameo of my umbrella hanging proudly on the tip of the arch. Isnt it glorious? Its shining moment? This is what the arch was made for, specifically for my umbrella. C:<

In the morning we hope that it will still be standing. Strong hopes!

We’re proud of ourselves though. We stepped out of our comfort zones and managed to create something together!

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Pipeline; Process

For progress on the project, visit

ALRIGHT! THE NIGHT BEFORE THE BIG DAY! Akane is working on the documentary video and I’m helping her with a few edits as well as feeding her so that she survives through the night.

So theres food. In this post.

And Akane.

Look forward to our documentary video!

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Filed under Blog, Collaboration, Design for Media

Pipeline; Progress

Moving on after the boxes have been constructed, I went about to finalize the designs on my boxes. I didnt realize that the blocks that were used to stabilize the boxes were going to be shown since I have a hollow box so I had to work around that for the design on the inside. I also wanted to do silver paint on the inside however it wouldnt show on the masonite unless it was a thick layer of paint which was a bit of  a let down. However it managed to make due with mediuming on paper onto my boxes for my designs.

And of course…pets always get in the way when working on things. Taro-the stray cat outside that we basically adopted who ALSO happens to be the mascot of the group-decided to hop inside while was cutting out paper shapes. And of course my pup, Skully wanted to check on my process.

Here be boxes!

For more progress on the project, visit

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Filed under Blog, Brainstorm, Collaboration, Design for Media, Sketches

Pipeline; Process II

For current updates of the project, visit

After spring break, I went to go construct my box. There was originally a meeting before hand in which everyone would get their boxes made however I had to work closing at my job and wasnt able to attend. And so I went in immediately the next day. Akane accompanied me to help me out as well as put together her final box.

It was here that I learned that being short does not help you when you are rummaging the scraps bin. It makes it quite difficult actually. Thats why I’m glad Ben was there, he nailed together my box at a much faster pace than I was. His height helped out a lot. <_<;

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Filed under Blog, Brainstorm, Collaboration, Design for Media, Sketches

Pipeline; Process

I started the process by cutting out the design for Rahu for the inside of my boxes. They were cut out from thick cardstock that I had in supply for years now that I had gotten from a comic book store….really thick and sturdy it is. It hurt after a while to cut out the design. I will probably never cut out from it again… least for another week. I cant help but love the feeling of the soft relief that it gives when I layer it on top of each other.


I unfortunately had to do flash on my box as it was dark on the inside. No matter what angle I used.

There were a few complications while doing this process. On the inside I forgot to take note that its a different texture than the outside of the masonite with the smooth surface. Instead its a bumpier surface thats most susceptible to moisture. So when I was using medium to paste things on, it was actually starting to bend the masonite so I had to flatten it inbetween a heavy surface as it dried. This was before I had the box put together.


For progress on the project itself, visit

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Filed under Blog, Brainstorm, Collaboration, Design for Media, Sketches

Pipeline; Beginnings

Spring break threw off my posting groove but I’m slowly getting back on track. So here I am reporting progress on the boxes that I worked on for the arch that we are constructing.

Before the actual construction I took some time to think about what exactly I wanted to do with time and memory. Since I wanted to utilize Rahu from cambodian folklore, I incorporated his idea into what I was thinking for my boxes. For me, my boxes were going to be open so it would only have 5 sides instead of the initial 6. However I would be designing more panels. On the inside of my boxes, I was going to depict two versions of Rahu. One where hes eating the moon and the other where the moon would be blazing out from his throat to be reborn. For my idea, the moon being eaten would be time breaking off. Time surges off from him. For the second box, with time being regained, it would be sucked back in like a black hole. Those ideas would be represented by what is shown on the outside of the box.

Of course, this is a generic plan and will change once the process happens and see what contraints it will give.


To see progress on the project, visit this link.

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Filed under Blog, Brainstorm, Collaboration, Design for Media, Sketches

Pipeline; Thoughts

I’ve realized that after spring break that I have been frighteningly lacking in updating what is it that I’ve been up to. Rest assured I have done a few things in my off time in between other projects. I will be uploading pictures later. Anyhow this post is moreso a quick notation as I help Akane with trying to find music to put into our documentary video.

Due to work, I havent been able to attend meetings but I worked on my share of things in the meantime. Pictures to come soon.

Anyhow quick notes to myself.

Crisis Core: Wandering on a sunny afternoon.





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Filed under Blog, Collaboration, Design for Media

Pipeline Morning Part II

Great news for today, we managed to cut all the masonite panels for everyone before we all split for spring break. We made sure to prioritize panels for people whom were going out of town, ect. and now everyone has 12 panels to themselves.

We also tested out to see how exactly to build the box themselves with staples. Low and Behold…They are nice and sturdy C:<

Suffice to say, Lauren was quite happy. And I can now go mad on masonite panels 😀

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So basically I woke up late this morning and rushed to class.

It wasnt until about halfway to school that I realized….that I was hearing Meowing.

There was a cat in my car. A CAT.

So uh. Theres a cat in the classroom now.

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Filed under Blog, Collaboration, Design for Media

Pipeline Thoughts

For a while I’ve been trying to think of how I want to exactly portray Time and Memory onto my boxes. A general theme or an idea. I usually work by coming up with that word or theme and then sketching and branching out from that until I find something I approve of. I’m getting a bit closer to what I think I want to do.

I want to have an open box so my two boxes will both only have 5 sides. However Instead of just designing 12 panels (as originally intended with 6 panels) I will instead be designing 20. I want to design both the outside panels as well as the inside panels. My idea is that the design will spread from inside the box and sort of crawl onto the outer panels. Thus my box will be completely covered.

I was thinking that inside the box on the panel that directly faces the viewer, there will be a face. However I will be drawing it within its one ‘box’ or a smaller frame on that panel so it seems really small when you peer into it. And then whatever design I think of-for the moment I’m thinking swirls or hair like tendrils-will branch from that face and come crawling towards the viewer via the panels and make them become larger as they come closer. Kind of like a small illusion. I’m also thinking about incorporating linework that will go in a sort of vortex direction for the inner box.

The faces in particular I’m thinking to be representations of my personal mind as that is what stores the memories and keeps barred from time. There will be two faces, one in a sort of ‘happy’ mood and the other in a sort of ‘angry but creepily smiling’ mood. Its possible that the design of the faces will be influenced by one of the Cambodian myths, Reahu-whom is the demon that tries to eat the sun-whose depicted in temple reliefs.

Image from–cambodia.html

In my case, the face could be eating the memories or the ‘timeline’. I’m also pondering if numbers will peel away from the face or whatnot. Still playing with designs.

Anyhow so from the inside of the box, I want the designs to extend/flow onto the outer side of the panels to continue on with the stream. I’m still ponderng how exactly it will look but I know that on the panel that holds the face on the inside of the box, I want to continue that ‘head.’ And so on the outside of that panel with the face, I want to depict a sort of chaotic mess that is like the ‘back of the head’ where things are stored. Those will branch out from those panels.

Tomorrow I’m going to try and talk to someone about displaying the installation outside in the Quad. I havent been able to do much due to people being laid off/quitting at my job and we only have so many people to pick up the slack. Hopefully I will be able to get a lead for the project location.

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