Tag Archives: skully

Pipeline; Progress

Moving on after the boxes have been constructed, I went about to finalize the designs on my boxes. I didnt realize that the blocks that were used to stabilize the boxes were going to be shown since I have a hollow box so I had to work around that for the design on the inside. I also wanted to do silver paint on the inside however it wouldnt show on the masonite unless it was a thick layer of paint which was a bit of  a let down. However it managed to make due with mediuming on paper onto my boxes for my designs.

And of course…pets always get in the way when working on things. Taro-the stray cat outside that we basically adopted who ALSO happens to be the mascot of the group-decided to hop inside while was cutting out paper shapes. And of course my pup, Skully wanted to check on my process.

Here be boxes!

For more progress on the project, visit http://vivaentemporum.wordpress.com/team/

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Filed under Blog, Brainstorm, Collaboration, Design for Media, Sketches

Hati Skully Sketches

A small side personal illustration that I’m doing for an old friend of mine. She recently got an akita pup around the same time that I myself got one. She was trying to think of a name for hers and came to a conclusion that since mine was named Skully, hers would be named Hati.

Get it? Skoll-er, Skully and Hati? The two wolves in mythology?

So as a tribute for keeping in touch with her after so long, I wanted to do a little illustration of the two pups portrayed as a pair.

These are a few rough sketches to see what direction I want to go in.

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Filed under Blog, Sketches