Tag Archives: cambodia

Pipeline Thoughts

For a while I’ve been trying to think of how I want to exactly portray Time and Memory onto my boxes. A general theme or an idea. I usually work by coming up with that word or theme and then sketching and branching out from that until I find something I approve of. I’m getting a bit closer to what I think I want to do.

I want to have an open box so my two boxes will both only have 5 sides. However Instead of just designing 12 panels (as originally intended with 6 panels) I will instead be designing 20. I want to design both the outside panels as well as the inside panels. My idea is that the design will spread from inside the box and sort of crawl onto the outer panels. Thus my box will be completely covered.

I was thinking that inside the box on the panel that directly faces the viewer, there will be a face. However I will be drawing it within its one ‘box’ or a smaller frame on that panel so it seems really small when you peer into it. And then whatever design I think of-for the moment I’m thinking swirls or hair like tendrils-will branch from that face and come crawling towards the viewer via the panels and make them become larger as they come closer. Kind of like a small illusion. I’m also thinking about incorporating linework that will go in a sort of vortex direction for the inner box.

The faces in particular I’m thinking to be representations of my personal mind as that is what stores the memories and keeps barred from time. There will be two faces, one in a sort of ‘happy’ mood and the other in a sort of ‘angry but creepily smiling’ mood. Its possible that the design of the faces will be influenced by one of the Cambodian myths, Reahu-whom is the demon that tries to eat the sun-whose depicted in temple reliefs.

Image from http://www.123rf.com/photo_16428927_detail-of-beautiful-red-sandstone-reliefs-in-banteay-srei-temple-siem-reap–cambodia.html

In my case, the face could be eating the memories or the ‘timeline’. I’m also pondering if numbers will peel away from the face or whatnot. Still playing with designs.

Anyhow so from the inside of the box, I want the designs to extend/flow onto the outer side of the panels to continue on with the stream. I’m still ponderng how exactly it will look but I know that on the panel that holds the face on the inside of the box, I want to continue that ‘head.’ And so on the outside of that panel with the face, I want to depict a sort of chaotic mess that is like the ‘back of the head’ where things are stored. Those will branch out from those panels.

Tomorrow I’m going to try and talk to someone about displaying the installation outside in the Quad. I havent been able to do much due to people being laid off/quitting at my job and we only have so many people to pick up the slack. Hopefully I will be able to get a lead for the project location.

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Filed under Blog, Collaboration, Design for Media, Sketches