Category Archives: Collaboration

Quick Note Pipeline

So far today we went about cutting wood-In which Akane has documented and will be updating onto the site after shes gone through the photos-and the first batch….well there was a MINOR mistake. We all had a good laugh however.

This is a personal update for myself. I managed to find pre-cut stained glass for 30% off at hobby lobby and couldnt help but buy one. I’m not exactly sure whether or not I will utilize it within the pipeline project. But it was nice and awesome and more than likely I’ll find something for it.

I also happen to fall in love with these markers. Dick Blick Studio Markers. They are amazing and easy on my pocket for being $2.50 each. Great for sketching.

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Filed under Blog, Collaboration, Design for Media

Quick Note Pipeline

It has come to our attention that we dont want to put the boxes together and have it look…5th grader-ish. Amateurish. BASICALLY look shitty.

Originally we were thinking to connect all the ideas together we would do it in a black and white pallet. However that’s a bit cliche and could possibly look really horrible. So we thought about Sepia tone which could give an even more of an aged tone. This could work out nicely with the masonites natural color. We discussed sepia being the predominant color and then a bit of free form with the rest of the pallet.

Quick note to myself. At home depot, Austin and I split between us to pay for the masonite. I paid $48.27. Today two people gave me their share of $6.00. With $12.00 owed I am down to collecting $36.00 ( roughly). If its needed I can collect money from people for Austin if he is not present and split between us later on.


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March 11, 2014 · 12:55 PM

Pipeline Project UPDATE

Hello All!

As I mentioned before, Austin and I went up to Dick blicks to see about the masonite but complications arose. To put it simply we did not get masonite from Dick Blicks. They did not have the size as mentioned online ( as what Brandon gave rise with the phone call that I recieved ) and it was not the price that was pronounced. When Austin and I were there at noon, they didnt have what we wanted but a worker directed us to Home Depot.

So there is good news coming from this post.
We wandered off to Home Depot and Dadada DAAAAHH! We found masonite.

And even greater news? We bought enough for everyone to construct their boxes!

They were selling masonite at 4′ x 8′ and so with the dimensions of our boxes, we could get 9 panel sides from just half of that size so we could get 18 panels in total with one sheet. With 15 people, there would be 30 boxes and with 30 boxes we would need about 180 panel sides. So we purchased 10 sheets of masonite.
And with the price range….well…basically we got everyones boxes…..all at the cost of only $6.00 each per person. $6.00!! For the sheets of masonite, they were each 8.98 each so for 10 it was about $89 so Austin and I split it between us. Masonite for everyone at $6.00 per person instead of what was calculated before during the meeting which was a whopping $22!

So if you gave money to either me and austin, no worries we can just give it back to you guys.

And now the group does not have to worry about getting masonite this weekend. We got you guys covered!

If you happen to have gotten masonite already, well uh….extra to play around with? :D?


Filed under Blog, Collaboration, Design for Media

Pipeline New Design

We updated the design and this is the Green Light design.

I will be going to get masonite this weekend.

Currently I’ll be buying for myself and two other people. Currently I’ll be paying $80.82.

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Filed under Blog, Collaboration, Design for Media

Pipeline Construction

These are the models that Ben had came up with. I’m currently looking into material costs and material types.

We brainstormed the materials for the construction of the boxes themselves. We went from wood to cardboard to gatorboard and to masonite.

Due to costs, we have decided to use masonite to construct the boxes with and so I researched into costs and dimensions.


The dimensions of the box will be 15″x15″ (actual box 14 x 14, extra inch leeway)

With the calculations I’ve done with the total amount this is what I’ve come up with.

With 15 people, each one will have 2 boxes so we will have a total of 30 boxes.

And so with 30 boxes, I calculated the sides of a side. 15″ x 30.

So a dimensions for 30 people would be 450″ x 450″.

This is just one side of the box.

450″ x 6=2700″

We decided that each of us will be buying 6 panels of 24” x 30” masonite boards.

The cost of each board is $4.49.

Total cost of board for each member will be $26.94. This is from dick blicks. This is without the discount Dick blick gives for students.

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Filed under Blog, Collaboration, Design for Media

Pipeline Notes

Wednesday meetings: 7 PM

Potential Friday meetings if cannot meet wednesday.

Notes to think about:


ARIN-she shall be the one that you will need to talk to about space.

Unified color: Black and White

Surface texture is okay, things hanging off and ect. not so much

Box weight in order to stack and whatnot. Be aware of stacking.

Curvature of the arch. PBC, Bossa, 2×4 blocks of wood.

Wood box construction: Possible School Staple Gun. Panels arent terribly thick.

Corrigated cardboard and press together. <– Light material + cost effective<–Alright so OFFICIALLY going to Cardboard

In order to press, just press the cardboard together and glue them together. Press them hard while they dry.

Glue: Super Glue

Epoxy Glue

Hot Glue Gun

In terms of the box=Dimensions: 15′ x 15′ <=half inch gives room for construction

The frame that sets up the arch however, that will be needing wood. <–Currently need to go into the actual store to possibly find better deals. For the moment, generalized 2 x 4. Menards right now has a construction sale, wood starting from 2.49. Generalizing that price to the limit of $50 we can get 20 pieces of wood. This is just estimating.

Hook extensions and nails to give a sort of hook to the edges of boxes.

General products to purchase



Hooks (wall mounts will do well)

Hot glue

Glue guns

Cardboard (in which we may be able to get for free)

Paint/Spray Paint

Fixtures and whatnot

Possible ways to waterproof the cardboard


15 people

2 boxes for each person

30 boxes total

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Filed under Blog, Collaboration, Design for Media

Pipeline Personal Schedule

This weeks been a little rough for me and it wasnt until last night that I realized that I havent actually posted a personal schedule of when I am available throughout the week and whatnot. This is to help me remember exact time slots.

A quick note to myself however that next week on March 14-March 15 that I WILL be working at my job instead of the usual sundays.

March 14th Friday: Working 11Am-2PM

March 15th Saturday: Working 11AM-9PM

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Filed under Blog, Collaboration, Design for Media

Pipeline Ramble sketches

I wasnt able to go and physically talk to find out free space due to work however here are some rough sketches about building the actual sculpture. They’re mostly sets of if we happen to utilize differing box shapes.

Due to sophomore review I will not be able to attend the first meeting with the group members so I will be doing my best to keep up with blog posts in the meantime until reviews are done.

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Filed under Blog, Brainstorm, Collaboration, Design for Media, Sketches

Pipeline Proposal


Here is a PDF of what my pipeline project shall be~

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Filed under Blog, Brainstorm, Collaboration, Design for Media

Pipeline Inspiration

Inspiration for a pipeline project that Im currently pondering about. I love storytelling and this really tickled my fancy both animation, story, and cutsey-but oh so dark-wise. I’ll be thinking more on specific details on what exactly I want to do but animation has to be existent somewhere in my project.

Maybe I’ll be able to do previous projects that I’ve always had in the works. Hmm. <~< I’ll see..



Cloud Atlas

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February 17, 2014 · 8:56 PM